
Addiction is rampant in our society. There are many forms of addiction that can negatively impact the life of the addict and those people who come in contact with the addictive behaviour. Some of these behaviours might include:

  • Substance misuse  Alcohol, marijuana, crystal methamphetamine, PCP, ecstasy, nicotine, heroin, cocaine, crack cocaine, caffeine, prescription drugs.
  • Unproductive and compulsive negative thinking and worry  These thoughts often result in stress, anxiety, depression, irritability, and anger.
  • Emotional drama Addiction to the emotional highs and lows as you move from one dramatic life experience to another.
  • Food Obsessively thinking about food, eating too much, eating too little, anorexia, bulimia, addiction to particular foods such as chocolate, fats, carbohydrates, sugar.
  • Relationship The need to be in a relationship to feel complete as a person, dependency on a relationship for emotional security and sense of well-being. Sexual addictions.
  • Love and the experience of falling in love The sensations that accompany these emotional states.
  • Internet obsession Playing online games, gambling, viewing pornography, tracking Facebook.
  • Youth Fearful thoughts and accompanying behaviours with regard to the aging process.
  • Power and control Compulsive drive for dominance and control over others and/or your environment.
  • Compulsive spending or shopping
  • Gambling addictions (e.g. lottery, keno, slots, poker, horses, etc.)
  • Lying (e.g. exaggeration, the creative telling of life stories with no basis in reality, lying for the sake of lying and the addiction to the bodily sensations that accompany that behaviour, etc.)

Most people experience addiction in their lives — either through their own or someone else’s addictive behaviour. The impact varies depending on the nature of the addiction.

Often people who are tortured with addiction, either their own addiction or the addiction of a loved one, feel there is nothing they can do about it or are unaware of where they can get assistance.

There are usually underlying causes for addictive behaviour. Those causes have physical, psychological, and spiritual components.

I believe that all behaviour is our best attempt (at the time) to get our underlying needs met—even destructive addictive or co-dependent behaviours. Though addiction often starts as a way to self medicate or mask unpleasant feelings, it often results in excessive worry, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, a number of physical side effects, poor job performance, family problems and financial difficulties. Counselling can assist you in making the desired changes to live a happier life.