
Mental Health | Crime Victim Assistance | Life Transitions and Logotherapy |
Couples and Family Counselling | Relationship Restructuring and Parenting Coordination |
Consultation and Coaching | Strengths and Virtues | Appreciative Inquiry |
Clinical Supervision and Mentoring | Trauma

Each session is designed to facilitate more understanding of the tools, techniques, and strategies which address your personal challenges. We work together to strengthen your inner resources thereby enabling choices that best serve you, your relationships, and the world around you.

Mental Health

"Nobody, as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life, is without trouble." C.G. Jung

Symptoms such as depression, anxiety, anger, and addiction, often require support and interventions that are practical and sustainable.

The strategies and tools I recommend and teach are evidence-based. Interventions are supported by brain-based learning with the accompanying redirection of deeply entrenched debilitating neural pathways. Through new ways of thinking, the formations of healthy neural pathways are established.

Crime Victim Assistance

If you are a victim, immediate family member, or a witness to a crime who has been injured physically or emotionally, you may be eligible for financial assistance or benefits to help with costs and your recovery. Victim service workers can help you apply through the Crime Victim Assistance Program.

I have extensive experience working with CVAP and those injured by a crime.

Life Transitions and Logotherapy

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose."

Times of transition are often accompanied with a loss of meaning. Symptoms may include physical illness, pain, and the phases associated with bereavement. When we are faced with a transition - even a positive one - we often experience stress and strain. These threshold times; the times when we are moving from one phase into another, include transitions and adjustments such as marriages, births, deaths, separation or divorce, moving or relocating, retirement, graduation, career change, illness or accidents, loss of job, children moving out, or any other key decision making times in your life. These times are often accompanied with intensified emotions, rendering them wonderful opportunities for self-transformation.

Couples and Family Counselling

"If you want your dreams to come true, wake up!"

Relationships provide an unparalleled mirror through which we can see and know ourselves. Awakening our hearts and minds is a path we often walk together because we help to reflect, arouse and inspire one another. Whether you are intimate partners, family, friends, or community members, I provide guidance for influencing conversations in a way that catalyzes the strengths, wisdom, and support in the relationship. In turn, this specific work then beneficially rekindles connection with yourself, others, and community. I have been told repeatedly that my skills, talents, and giftedness shine super brightly in my work with couples.

Emotionally Focused Therapy

Relationship Restructuring and Parenting Coordination

"We become whole through relationship and through letting go of relationship." S. Freud

I provide emotional and practical support to parents and children. Whether the conditions surround loss, grief, separation, or communication, I can help create a parenting plan, facilitate the development of cooperative co-parenting skills, and assist you in making life-enhancing decisions as you restructure your family.

Consultation and Coaching

"In the garden of gentle sanity May you be bombarded by coconuts of wakefulness." (Rinpoche)

Consultations and coaching are available by Skype and telephone once we have already experienced at least one face to face meeting. Building communication skills (with self and others) is an integral part of coaching; these skills are included in many of the other approaches as well.

Strengths and Virtues

"There is no light without shadow and no psychic wholeness without imperfection. To round itself out, life calls not for perfection, but for completeness." C.G. Jung

I diagnose for character strengths and virtues as well as for challenges.

I offer tools and activities to strengthen resilience, cultivate inner resources, and develop abilities for living an ethical life – with kindness, compassion, and generosity.

Appreciative Inquiry

"Questions are fateful. Inquiry and change are a simultaneous moment." David Cooperrider

We move in the direction of our questions. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to bring consciousness to our choice of questions. Unfortunately, many of the questions we ask are concealed from ourselves and others, through lack of awareness, or force of habit, often rendering the direction of change beyond our consciousness. Bringing consciousness to implicit questions assists in our change efforts because deeply embedded beliefs and thoughts are often difficult to discover.

Most people assume that thoughts are internal statements. However, those statements are, in actuality, answers to preceding implicit or explicit questions. Changing the questions we ask of ourselves and others provides new ways of thinking, feeling, and being.

We make the world we inhabit first through the questions we ask ourselves, and then through the behavior that follows from these questions. Consider the behavior of nomads who roamed the earth. Their behavior could be understood as answering the question, "How can we get ourselves to water?" Imagine how their behavior and lives would have shifted in answer to a new implicit question, "How can we get the water to come to us?" We can influence our own or someone else's thinking through the questions we choose. Being conscious of our choice of questions is a very influential and engaging leverage point for inspiring change, since the questions we choose not only reflect our beliefs, but also greatly impact the direction of our thinking.

Questions that are qualitatively different leap over old boundaries of thinking, land us in new paradigms and produce innovation. I carefully notice the "silent" internal and often unacknowledged questions you are asking yourself and others. I provide guidance with choosing the right questions; those that will lead to what you truly want to discover in your life.

Clinical Supervision and Mentoring

With a focus on clinical enhancement and professional registration, I provide individual and small group services for counsellors and other clinicians.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

For more information about my Supervision and Consultation services, visit the BCACC website:

Trauma and EMDR

Clients who have suffered for years from anxiety or distressing memories, nightmares, insomnia, abuse or other traumatic events have gained great relief from EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing).

EMDR is rapid, safe and effective. EMDR does not involve the use of drugs or hypnosis. It is a simple, non-invasive client-therapist collaboration in which healing happens efficiently and effectively.

This powerful short-term therapy is highly effective for a wide range of disorders including chronic pain, phobias, depression, panic attacks, eating disorders and poor self-image, stress, worry, stage fright, performance anxiety, recovery from sexual abuse and traumatic incidents.

Many clients who have made slow progress in the past, or who have not benefited from more traditional therapies demonstrate that with EMDR they have finally found something that works for them.

I am an Internationally Certified EMDR Practitioner.